One-Day Use permits are valid for only 24-hours for any period between 12:00am to 6:00am the next day. These limitations may vary depending on the size of the load and road conditions. If the applicant is unable to meet the proposed schedule approved on the permit, the applicant is required to contact the Public Works Engineering department to request an extension.
(Ord. 99-791 Exh. A (part); prior code § 8-2.22)
Annual Use permits are valid for only one vehicle to haul and tow loads throughout the year on designated truck routes.
Extra-long, extra-tall, and extra-wide oversized loads shall limit their travel schedule between 10pm and 5am the next day. The Public Works Director/City Engineer reserves the right to deny issuance or cancel a transportation permit if it is not in the best interests of the general public.
(Prior code § 8-2.09)