In 2022, the California Supreme Court ruled that bees can be protected under the CESA. The court’s decision allows California to protect some of its most endangered pollinators, which can help the state’s ecosystems and farms. Bees and other pollinators are critical to promoting healthy ecosystems and strengthening biodiversity. They provide crucial pollination services that … Continued
You may request for sewer plans near or around your property either in-person or via online by Public Records Request with the Engineering Division in the Public Works Department. If the property is located outside of the city limits, please contact the Planning Department immediately after you’ve confirmed the location of the line as there … Continued
There should be white and red signs posted along your street notifying you of the day your vehicle cannot be parked on the street. You may also check the schedule map here. Parking on the street during your designated street sweeping day can result in receiving a citation from the Montclair Police Department.
To file a claim, you must first download and complete this this form and then contact the City Clerk’s office at (909) 625-9415 for further instructions.
If an incident occurs after normal business hours, please notify Dispatch at the Montclair Police Department at (909) 621-4771. If someone is in danger or in immediate need of emergency assistance, please call 9-1-1.
If the location of the property is within Montclair City Limits, please submit a Public Records request at this link. If the location of the property is outside of the city limits (such as San Bernardino County) but the nearest sewer line belongs to the City of Montclair, please contact the Planning Department at 909-625-9477 … Continued
For information about senior discounts for utilities, such as trash and waste services, please visit the Finance Department counter at City Hall or call (909) 625-9471.
To arrange for your bulky item pick up, call Burrtec Waste Inc. at (909) 620-1353. Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. offers a residential bulky item pickup program, subject to the following guidelines: Each calendar year, households within the City of Montclair are allowed four (4) bulky item pickups. Bulky items may include the following household items: … Continued