How do I cancel an open application for a Construction Permit that is still in the middle of processing?
Please contact the Engineering Department immediately if your project is put on hold or cancelled due to funding issues at (909) 625-9478.
Please contact the Engineering Department immediately if your project is put on hold or cancelled due to funding issues at (909) 625-9478.
All necessary requirements and procedural information to apply for a construction permit with the Public Works Department is attached to the Construction Permit Application form. A quick rundown of the necessary requirements applicants must provide are as follows: A completed Road Construction Permit and Street/Lane Closure Application. The Engineers Cost for all public improvements. A … Continued
Boring into the ground is not permitted within the City of Montclair. Contractors performing construction work on the city sewers should have a CSLB Class A General Engineering license.
Construction in the public right-of-way needs to have permission from the City and reviewed an authorized inspector. A permit must be issued before any construction can begin. Contact the Engineering Division at (909) 625-9478.
Alterations of residential and commercial driveway approaches in the public right-of-way require a Construction permit. Fees will vary. Download a form and follow the instructions. You may email or hand deliver the form in-person to the Public Works Engineering Counter located at City Hall. Allow 10 days for processing. You will be contacted by staff … Continued
Counter Hours Community Development Building & Planning Permits (preferred for walk-ins): Morning: 7am to 9am 9:01am-3:59pm CLOSED Afternoon: 4pm to 5:30pm All other hours, call for an appointment at (909) 625-9477 Building Inspection Request Hotline (909) 625-9448 Public Works Engineering & Transportation Permits (appointment preferred): 7am to 6pm Call for availability: (909) 625-9478 City Hall … Continued