FAQ Topic: Sanitation

Where can I retrieve sewer plans?

You may request for sewer plans near or around your property either in-person or via online by Public Records Request with the Engineering Division in the Public Works Department. If the property is located outside of the city limits, please contact the Planning Department immediately after you’ve confirmed the location of the line as there … Continued

When is my street sweeping day?

There should be white and red signs posted along your street notifying you of the day your vehicle cannot be parked on the street. You may also check the schedule map here. Parking on the street during your designated street sweeping day can result in receiving a citation from the Montclair Police Department.

How do I schedule a pick-up for bulky items?

To arrange for your bulky item pick up, call Burrtec Waste Inc. at (909) 620-1353. Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. offers a residential bulky item pickup program, subject to the following guidelines: Each calendar year, households within the City of Montclair are allowed four (4) bulky item pickups. Bulky items may include the following household items:  … Continued

My water is brown and has residue in it! Who can I contact?

It is recommended that homeowners seek services from a licensed plumber who would be able to detect any underlying problems on the property such as corrosion and iron or lead residue from old pipes. Report the issue to the Public Works Operations Division using this form. In addition, homeowners may submit a report to Monte … Continued

How do I open a new account for trash, sewer, and water?

New residents to the City of Montclair should contact Monte Vista Water District at (909) 624-0035 to start water service. The District will forward all of your information to the City so a new trash and sewer account can be created and services can begin.  All pertinent information is forwarded from Monte Vista Water District … Continued

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