General & Specific Plans

General Plan

The City of Montclair General Plan is intended to provide direction for future development of the City and its sphere of influence. It represents a formal expression of community goals and desires, provides guidelines for decision-making about the City's development, and fulfills the requirements of California Government Code Section 65302 requiring local preparation and adoption of General Plans. The General Plan is a dynamic document to be refined as the physical environment of the City changes.

The Montclair General Plan went through a complete revision and update in 1999. The update began with a reassessment of the current physical, social and economic resources and data of the community as a platform to evaluate its strengths, opportunities, limitations and constraints. A detailed analysis of all issues facing the City and identification of potential strategies for managing future growth and change was prepared. The process also required a consolidation and update of the previously adopted elements of the Montclair General Plan.

Citizen input and participation during the General Plan process is critical in order to truly reflect the sentiment and desires of the community. The General Plan plays a vital role in shaping the community and affects every resident and business owner in the way they live or work.

The General Plan not only encompasses and analyzes the 5.54 square miles located within Montclair's corporate boundary, but also the .92 square miles of unincorporated San Bernardino County within Montclair's sphere of influence, generally north of Phillips Boulevard between the Los Angeles County line and Benson Avenue.

To get a copy of the General Plan, please click here.

2020 General Plan Update and Arrow Highway Mixed-Use Specific Plan - Public Review

The City of Montclair has reviewed the 2020 General Plan Update and Arrow Highway Mixed-Use District (AHMUD) Specific Plan. An environmental review has been conducted, and a Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) is now available for public review.

The public is welcome to submit comments about the Plan Update and AHMUD Specific Plan to Director of Community Development Michael Diaz no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 8, 2022. You may submit your comments by:

(909) 625-9432


City of Montclair Planning Division
Montclair City Hall
5111 Benito St.
Montclair, CA 91763

Attn: Michael Diaz
Director of Community Development
City of Montclair
5111 Benito St.
Montclair, CA 91763

When submitting your comments, please provide contact information so the City can respond.

More information on the 2020 General Plan Update and the AHMUD Specific Plan, including the Draft EIR, are available at

Montclair General Plan EIR NOA

NOC of NOA Montclair General Plan

Housing Element of the General Plan

The Housing Element of the City's General Plan for the 2014-2021 cycle was adopted by the City Council in February 2014 after a lengthy review process and valuable input by the City's stakeholders. The Housing Element was certified by the state's Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) as being compliant with all aspects of state law.

The Housing Element can be viewed by clicking here.

2021 Draft Update of the Housing Element of the General Plan

The draft of the 2021 update of the Housing Element can be viewed at

Specific Plans

The following Specific Plans govern development in certain areas within the City of Montclair. Please view the specific plan maps to determine which areas are covered by clicking the links to the documents below. Please be informed that development standards and criteria contained within these documents will either supplement or replace those of the City of Montclair's Zoning Ordinance, which ever is more restrictive. Note: The North Montclair Downtown Specific Plan (NMDSP) is a major part of the City's planned future development as a major transit hub.  Those documents can be viewed below.

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