Montclair to College
Montclair to College (MTC) is a college readiness program brought to Montclair High School students and their families by the City of Montclair, the Montclair Community Foundation, Chaffey College, and the Chaffey Joint Union High School District. If completed successfully, MTC allows students the opportunity to earn a two-year scholarship to Chaffey College- a value of approximately $4,500! The MTC scholarship includes tuition, textbooks, parking, and enrollment fees.
- Apply online by March 11 of 12th grade
- Complete 20 hours of community service at a non-profit (501c3), submitted online with MTC application
- Graduate Montclair High School with at least a 2.0 GPA and without significant disciplinary action
- During 12th grade:
- Attend the Senior Early Transition Workshops
- Complete the Financial Aid Application (FAFSA)
- Complete the Panther Promise application
- Register at Chaffey College
- Attend MTC Chaffey College orientation
*Visit Chaffey.edu for more information on steps required for admission.
For more information on Montclair to College, please contact Angela Franco at (909) 625-9457 or MTC@montclaircf.org